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6061 t6 aluminum block

Last Updated :2023/06/13
Introduction of 6061 t6 aluminum block
6061 t6 aluminum block has high strength, high hardness (up to HV90 degrees or more) and good processing results. There are no trachoma pores and the flatness is better. Improve processing efficiency and reduce material costs. This will be the best choice for low price and high quality materials. The 6061 t6 aluminum block is an alloy of aluminum, magnesium, and silicon. It is a heat-treated corrosion-resistant alloy. It has strong strength and corrosion resistance and good uniformity.

Chemical composition of 6061 t6 aluminum block
Silicon: 0.40-0.8
Iron: 0.7
Copper: 0.15-0.40
Manganese: 0.15
Magnesium: 0.8-1.2
Chromium: 0.04-0.35
Zinc: 0.25
Titanium: 0.15
Aluminum: margin
Other: Single: 0.05 Total: 0.15
Use of 6061 t6 aluminum block
6061 t6 aluminum block has medium strength, good corrosion resistance, weldability, and good oxidation effect. It is widely used in various industrial structural parts that require a certain strength (85-110 degrees) and high corrosion resistance, such as the manufacture of trucks, tower buildings, ships, trams, railway vehicles, furniture mechanical parts, precision machining, molds, etc.